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First ever senior women’s training at Millbrook

First ever senior women’s training at Millbrook

Millbrook Rugby Club11 Jul - 15:11
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Twenty-eight players attend Millbrook RFC first ever senior women's training!

With the date set and the word spread our first ever women’s training session ahead of the 2024-25 season took place and WOW what a night.

Twenty-eight players turned up and enjoyed a great session by our newly positioned women’s head coach Duncan Parker!!!

The hard work everyone put in was clear to see and it goes without saying if the hard work continues the results in our fixtures will come.

The women’s team will have their first competitive game at home on the 31.08.2024 against the women’s team of the mental health charity tough enough to care.

We will be putting on a pre-match meal and raffle to raise funds for charity on the day so please keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming advertising.

To see how you could help the charity please see their website details below.

Further reading